A MODEL OF HOW IT ALL MAY BE-BY GANASHYAM DAS MODEL-O1.TXT ***************************************************************************** The understanding of THE UNITY OF ALL BEINGS appears to have been lost in most cultures on the planet. And marriage, the basic family structure, the basic foundation of all stable cultures, is failing also. Marriage, the idea of marriage, and the ideals of marriage no longer serve the children. When the understanding of THE UNITY is lost and a culture's families break down, a culture self-destructs. AMERICA IS SELF-DESTRUCTING NOW ! The Federal Government is becoming a TYRANNY. Each year it controls more and more of our lives, violates more of the Constitution which is supposed to be the Supreme Law of our country and takes more of what we earn. It has become very difficult to earn enough to provide for one's family and survive comfortably. This is also one of the causes of the families breaking down. Most people in this culture appear to be living lives of QUIET DESPERATION. The only way this MIGHT BE stopped/changed is for many people to rediscover THE UNITY. Some people are seeking the LIGHT, seeking TRUTH and WISDOM, trying to be the best possible person they can be each day, however the number of people doing so is small compared to those who are not. Many seek WISDOM and TRUTH in books, and in the spoken words of others, not understanding that, "THE OCEAN OF LIGHT IS NOT REACHED BY SAILING DOWN THE RIVER OF WORDS". The number of REAL MASTERS, ENLIGHTENED BEINGS on the planet is small. So few people receive the BLESSING of experiencing a REAL MASTER in person, of hearing directly from one who ACTUAL KNOWS, how it all is. I am a SEEKER. I attempt to learn from all the experiences I have and the situations that manifest around me. I try to live my life IN HARMONY with THE UNITY which creates, maintains and eventually dissolves all that exists in the universe. Having been educated as an engineer, I learned the value of using a "model" to attempt to understand material things, energy, phenomena, experiences and situations. A well constructed model allows one to make use of knowledge more efficiently, to function "better" in any given situation and to continue to learn and grow internally. A model IS NOT a set of TRUTHS of how it all is. It is a set of assumptions of how IT ALL MAY BE. Most people have and use models. They call them beliefs. However most consider their beliefs to be truths NOT ASSUMPTIONS. These two ideas are very different POINTS OF VIEW, very different ATTITUDES. Maps are are models we use to describe physical territories, but, "THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY." And it can never be. I have a "MODEL OF HOW MAY BE" that I have created from my experiences, the spoken words of those I believed to be enlightened who I spent time with and my studies. I continue to modify this model as new experiences happen, as more knowledge and knowing come to me. I move through life with as much awareness as possible, using my model to navigate the storms of life, and keeping in mind that my model is not how it as is, only how it all may be. What I share here is not shared to try to change your beliefs or to get you to change how you live. It is shared in the hope that by you "seeing" another's model/beliefs, which are likely very different from yours, you may gain more insight into your own "model", and into how and why you live your life the way you do. Hopefully this sharing will assist you to have more tolerance for those who belief differently and assist you to be open to expanding your own knowledge and consciousness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FORWARD TO THE MODEL ****************************************************************************** We are not human beings alone; we are products of our culture. We need our society for survival, since as newly born human beings we are extraordinarily poorly equipped to face the environment. A human being requires years of development until he is able to defend himself. This means that his dependency upon his society is complete. Because ot it, human beings do not face nature directly, but across their society. It is our social relationship that has developed our entire psyche to the point where we can say that the basic environment of human beings is not nature, but society. Therefore we understand society as the common goal of survival between human beings. When this common goal becomes transcendental, religion is born and with it culture is born. One person usually experiences THE UNITY and from him an entire culture arises. The roots of THE UNITY appear in every "valid" religion and system of spirituality. The roots of THE UNITY are always a triad. There are three principles. These triple roots are in every culture, and always come together in THE PRINCIPAL OF UNITY. THE UNITY TELLS US: HOW TO BE, WHAT OUR SELF IS, HOW WE ARE CONNECTED TO OTHERS. HOW TO LIVE, HOW TO DIE, AND HOW TO REINCARNATE. THE UNITY CAN NOT BE THOUGHT ABOUT UNTIL WE DECLARE; GOD IS ETERNAL, IS IN ALL OF US, IS IN EVERYTHING, IS ONE WITHOUT SECOND. IF WE DO NOT MAKE THIS RECOGNITION, WE HAVE NOTHING. [Written by Oscar Ichazo, the Master from Chile] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISTEN, YOU CAN NOT SEE GOD, INTUIT GOD, FEEL GOD, UNDERSTAND GOD. YOU ESPECIALLY CAN'T HAVE INSIGHT INTO GOD. INSIGHT IS SUCH TOTAL CRAP. YOU CAN ONLY LIVE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Written by Lee Lozowick, a young Master from America] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE is not an experience at all -- because the experiencer is lost. And when there is no experiencer, what can be said about it? Who will say it? Who will relate the experience? When there is no subject, the object also disappears---the banks disappear, ONLY THE RIVER OF EXPERIENCE REMAINS. Knowledge is there, but the knower is not. That has been the problem for ALL THE MYSTICS. They reach to THE ULTIMATE, But they cannot relate it to those who are following. They cannot relate it to others who would like to have an intellectual understanding. THEY HAVE BECOME ONE WITH IT. Their WHOLE BEING relates to it, but no intellectual communication is possible. They can give it to you if you are ready to receive; they can allow it to happen to you if you also allow it, IF YOU ARE RECEPTIVE AND OPEN. But words won't do, symbols won't help; THEORIES AND DOCTRINES ARE OF NO USE AT ALL. The experience is such that it is more like an experiencing than like an experience. IT IS A PROCESS --- AND IT BEGINS, BUT IT NEVER ENDS. You enter into it but you never possess it. IT IS LIKE A DROP OF WATER DROPPING INTO THE OCEAN, OR THE OCEAN ITS SELF; DROPPING INTO THE DROP. It is A DEEP MERGER, it is ONENESS, you simply melt away into it. Nothing is left behind, not even a trace, so who will communicate? Who will come back to the world of the valley? Who will come back to this dark night to tell you? All the mystics all over the world have always felt impotent as far as communication is concerned. COMMUNION IS POSSIBLE, BUT COMMUNICATION, NO. This has to be understood from the very beginning. A COMMUNION is a totally different dimension; TWO HEARTS MEET, IT IS A LOVE AFFAIR. Communication is from head to head; COMMUNION IS FROM HEART TO HEART, COMMUNION IS A FEELING. Communication is knowledge, ---NOT "KNOWING"---, Only words are given, only words are said, and only words are taken and understood. And words are such: the very nature of words is so dead, that nothing alive can be related through them. Even in ordinary life [Spoken by the Master from Poona] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The Trinity; for Christians, Father, Son, Holy Ghost-for Hindus, Bramaha, Vishnu, Shiva. And so forth....A human being has difficulty relating to the UNMANIFESTED, so he often focuses on a manifested physical form of the trinity; Christ, Buddha, Lao Zu, or an enlightened being (A Guru) in many other ways of seeking. ****************************************************************************** A MODEL OF HOW IT MAY ALL BE......so far as it has been experienced.... and developed. ****************************************************************************** It is said, "TRUTH, CAN NOT BE READ, SPOKEN, SEEN, or EXPERIENCED, ONLY LIVED." "Only SEMI-TRUTHS can be spoken." "There exists one PRIMARY semi-truth", "ONE CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTED, WITHOUT BEGINNING AND WITHOUT END. THE ONE BECAME MANY, YET REMAINED ONE." "There exist secondary semi-truths," "EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS IN A CONSTANT STATE OF CHANGE." "ALL BEINGS, OBJECTS, AND EVENTS IN THE UNIVERSE ARE INTERCONNECTED, INTERACT AND INFLUENCE EACH OTHER." "YOU ARE NOT THE DOER." "THERE IS NO SEPARATENESS." "THIS IS NOT REALITY." "DO NOT WHISTLE WHILE YOU PEE." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [what is written in this section is a not developed part of the model. understanding has not come for this yet:] The one became many, perhaps this is more complicated........ happened in more "stages". It is said,"each species on the planet has a deva." (deva = A collective consciousness of the individual souls in that species making up a kind of "oversoul", that could be considered to be "a soul personality" of that species.) In some eastern scriptures they speak as though there are "gods", not just a god. And they speak of what I now call "all that is", my name for the supreme "being", the divine, the nameless, "the one without beginning and without end" and state the supreme is beyond/above the gods. no clarity on all this yet......... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is said: "ALL BEINGS living in body and out of body, and all material objects which appear to be non living, but live, in the universes ARE/WERE CREATED FROM THE ONE, ACTUALLY ARE THE ONE." "Two divisions exist: That which WAS NOT CREATED, and IS REALITY. That which WAS CREATED, AND IS NOT REALITY." That which was created is called the universe or existence. It consists of all physical realms, non-physical realms, all beings and all objects in the universe. There are "patterns/flows" in the ONE, which created and continues to create the universe and all beings, objects, and events in it. The ONE creates, maintains and desolves all things that exist in existance. There are COSMIC LAWS that function in the universe. These LAWS function and control what manifests in the universe WETHER BELIEVED IN OR NOT. A human being does best and has GOOD FORTUNE when he/she consciously or non-consciously lives life IN HARMONY with the laws and the patterns/flows. Sometimes the interactions of beings/objects/events in the universe cause events in the universe which appear to be out of sync with patterns/flows of the one. Sometimes these events appear to be "random events"-this is true and not true-paradox... In the universe there is no randomness and everything is random-paradox... The universe is organized chaos.............................. Paradox is not understandable by logical "human minds", but exists. There exists a PRIMARY PURPOSE for being given a human body to live in. "THIS PURPOSE IS TO MERGE TOTALLY WITH THE ONE." There exists a SECONDARY PURPOSE for being given a human body to live in. "THIS PURPOSE IS TO PARTNER WITH AN OPPOSITE SEX PARTNER, HAVE CHILDREN AND CREATE A LOVING STABLE NURTURING FAMILY SITUATION FOR THE CHILDREN'S SOULS TO DEVELOP IN." There exists a THIRD PURPOSE............ "THIS PURPOSE IS TO BE OF ASSISTANCE TO OTHERS, WHEN IT IS APPROPRIATE AND TO CREATE SOMETHING OF VALUE FOR OTHERS, BEYOND HAVING VALUE TO ONESELF AND ONE'S IMMEDIATE FAMILY. this section is in creation....................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BELIEF SYSTEMS: It is said; "Your BELIEF SYSTEMS are THE REASON you are NOT ENLIGHTENED." "It is YOUR BELIEFS that keep you STUCK." "You can only progress SO FAR with your logical mind, then a "JUMP" must happen." It appears that; humans are STUCK because of their beliefs/belief systems. humans appear to have have 2 sets of beliefs/belief systems, not just one. A conscious belief system and a below conscious awareness belief system. The conscious and below conscious awareness belief systems are often at odds with each other. Humans appear to have at least 2 personalities, not just one. A primary personality that usually is in control of the mind/body, and a secondary personality that sometimes is in control of th mind/body. The belief systems and personalities distort perception/understanding of everything experienced. When the belief systems merge and become one and the personalities merge and become one, the belief system can be dropped. When the belief system is dropped, a massive transformation of consciousness can manifest. This TRANSFORMATION is sometimes called ENLIGHTENMENT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH and REBIRTH: It is said, "NO ONE EVER DIES." "BEING BORN IN A HUMAN BODY IS A GREAT BLESSING." You have a body, senses, mind, emotions, and thoughts. You identify with these as being you. THIS IS NOT TRUTH. You are NOT your body, You are NOT your senses, You are NOT your mind You are NOT your emotions, You are NOT your thoughts. YOU ARE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ! It is very difficult for a person to believe they are not their body until they have actually left their body and have been able to look at it from outside it. It is very very difficult for a person to believe they are actually pure consciousness until they have experienced/have merged with the unity directly and fully. Your consciousness rides in a body like you ride in a vehicle. When your body dies you depart from it and go else/where/when. Eventually you return, enter and are reborn in another body. The body MAY OR MAY NOT BE HUMAN ! Most do not understand how GREAT A BLESSING it is to be given a human body to live in ! Most souls on the planet are residing in the lower life forms. For the most part: The body you enter in rebirth, the circumstances that exist where you are reborn and the events you experience in this life are set by your actions, non-actions and development in your previous lives. It is the infinite wisdom of the ONE that causes your previous lives to be veiled from you. It is not necessary for you to research your past life experiences. When it is time for you to begin having access to your past lives, you will begin remembering them. It is said, "The cycle of births and deaths continues on and on until enlightenment is reached." It is said, "When enlightenment is reached, when one fully awakes, a choice is available. The choice is to drop the body immediately and permanently "move on", or to remain in the body so others may be taught and liberated." Most who reach enlightenment appear to chose to remain in the body and teach because of the great compassion for the suffering of those not yet awake. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD: It is said, "FOOD IS GOD, BE THANKFUL FOR IT, HAVE RESPECT FOR IT AND DO NOT WASTE IT." When one comes to understand the UNITY of ALL LIVING BEINGS, there is an attitude change. A RESPECT comes for ALL LIVING BEINGS as one realizes that all living beings have what is called a SOUL and are actually GOD IN PHYSICAL FORM. A understanding comes that for the most part, the more complex a living being is, the more DEVELOPED THE SOUL of the living being is. You see that other living things must give up their lives so you may live. The result of these two understandings is, a more developed human only kills a living being when necessary and eats as low on the food chain as is reasonable for their current circumstances. There are two kinds of food consumed by living beings, material food and spiritual food. Material food feeds the physical body. Spiritual food feeds the etheric body. The spiritual food of the etheric body is prana, an energy. All living beings, plant and animal have prana energy in them. The prana of an animal being leaves the animal at the instant of death, therefore there is no spiritual food in the dead flesh of an animal. The taking of an animal's life for food INTERFERES WITH and DELAYS the CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLUTION of the animal's SOUL and so creates karma in all those involved in the animal's death and IN THOSE WHO EAT the animals flesh. When it is necessary or when one chooses to consume animal flesh to feed the physical body, the appropriate action is to respect and thank the animal for its sacrifice of its life to feed you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BALANCE: It is said, "BALANCE IS NATURAL, Balance IS EVERYTHING." "When you LIVE IN BALANCE, EVERYTHING manifests as is necessary." It appears that a human to live in balance and harmony certain things are required. The same things are needed if a human is to experience inner peace, happiness/joy, expand their knowledge/wisdom, and develop to their full potentials. It appears the required needed things are: An UNDERSTANDING of the UNITY. A means to EXPERIENCE the UNITY. Experiencing the UNITY directly as often as possible. A belief structure to give MEANING, DIRECTION and PURPOSE to their lives, and the events they experience. A REASONABLE code of ethics to live in and by. (ETHICS ARE NOT "MORALS"!) Morals are......a ridgid code of behavior, set of do and donots that must a always be followed no matter what the circumstances. Ethics are......a non-ridgid code of behavior that allow changes in them to fit the circumstances. A STABLE situation to live in that NOURISHES and SUPPORTS their spiritual, emotional and physical development, provides for their needs and protects them from harmful forces. (A well defined healthy social structure which supports, teaches and defends all the above seldom exists in these times.) The basic do's and do not's of most healthy cultures are the same: Have respect for THE ONE which created this universe. Have respect for all living things. Have respect for the beliefs of others. Have respect for the rights of others. Do not do to others that which you would not want others to do to you. Do not harm others except in defence of life and property. Do not misuse sex or have sex with another's partner, WITHOUT PERMISSION. Do not take that which belongs to others. Do not speak un-truths, unless appropriate due to circumstances. Keep your awareness high. Keep your mind open to learning. Keep your thoughts positive. Keep your agreements and commitments. Keep your body healthy and clean. have compassion for all living things. Be helpful to others when appropriate. Be forgiving of your ignorances and mistakes. Be forgiving of others ignorances and mistakes. Be responsible for your own support. Be responsible for your thoughts and actions. Be honest with yourself and with others. Have the well being of all children as a prime priority. Have the well being of others as a secondary priority. Learn to listen to your inner self. Cultivate positive habits. Practice self-cultivation [meditataion on a regular basis]. Who could find fault with one who lives by these precepts ? RELIGION is the THE MAIN "FORCE" which has served humans to to provide the required understanding of things. Religions as currently practiced on most of earth, have been and are failing in this function. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIGHTS: It is said; Every human has a right to worship, love, live, learn, work, and play in the way that is appropriate to them as long as it does not harm others ! No person or government has the right to prevent them from doing this ! No human being or government has the right to enslave another, to force another to perform actions which are not acceptable to them, to cause physical harm or death of another unless they are defending themselves or others from physical harm or protecting that which they have created by their own labor from being taken from them by force or stealth. That is, each person has the right to protect themselves, their family, their community members from harm and to protect their personal and community property, from being taken by force or stealth, even if violence is necessary to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEX: It is said, "SEXUAL ENERGY IS THE FORCE THAT POWERS ALL HUMAN ACTIVITY." It is said, "The ONLY TIME most humans are NATURAL is at the PEAK OF ORGASM, during sexual loving." No culture has ever taken sex easily. Because Sex is a very powerful force in human beings, All cultures create laws to regulate and control the sexual activity of its members. Sometimes these laws are wise and just, sometimes not. Sometimes they are based on a deep understanding of human nature and spiritual understanding. Often they are not. Sexual loving is not just a physical act. It is a DIVINE CREATIVE happening. Any time you have sex with another, a part of who the other is enters you and becomes a part of who you are for the rest of your life. It often creates a psychic and karmic bonding with the other that can or may last many lifetimes. It often creates events and even beings on the other planes of existence which most have no knowledge or understanding of. Humans were "designed" to join with, bond with and live with an opposite sex partner on a long term basis. They are "designed" to balance each others energies. If both partners drop their fears and barriers, open their hearts fully to each other, fully share their their thoughts and feelings with each other and keep their commitments to each other, what is possible to them spiritually, mentally and physically as a mature fully bonded committed couple is so great, that it is beyond most human's comprehension. The primary purpose of sexually loving is to create children. Each child is a temple for a soul to enter, live, learn and grow. The secondary purpose of sex is to keep a man and woman spiritually, psychically, emotionally and physically bonded to each other so a stable "family unit" is maintained. And so love continues grow and exist between them. This is essential to the healthy spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the couple, of the children of the couple, of a group of people living close together and of a culture. Everything in the universe is created from the DIVINE ENERGY. The teachers in the east name this energy Shakti. This energy flows in and out of everything all the time, it is what keeps us alive, gives us peace and happiness and is what brings us what we want and need here on the physical plane. All seekers, come to UNDERSTAND that the higher a level of this energy you maintain in yourself, the better your life is, the more positive situations and positive people you draw to yourself and the faster you develop internally and the happier you are. What does this have to do with sex ? If a person shares sexual loving with an undeveloped person, i.e. one who has low energy or can only maintain a very low energy level, the "lower" person drains the Shatki from you during the sexual loving. The drain of energy is so great that it is difficult to bring your level of Shakti back up to its "normal" level. The other person does benefit from the sharing greatly, however for the higher one, its a great lose. [ Generally, When two connect together sexually the energy of both is balanced out so after the sexual loving is over both have an equal amount. Its like connecting a storage battery that is totally discharged or only partially charged to a storage battery that is fully charged, leaving them connected for a while and then disconnecting them. If they are then measured, the first battery and the second one now have an equal amount of charge, one is discharged by charging the other. ] So one learns to generally share sexually loving only with one as developed as they are or more developed. This is strong reason for choosing an appropriate partner to share with. When a man and a woman "bond" together in a longer term partnership, they grow together. They assist each other in their growth and in all other ways. In this situation, if both totally open to each other during the sexual sharing, they generally both gain Shakti from each sexual loving, as in the loving more energy is created than was present before the loving occured. Another aspect of not sharing with a lesser developed person is that during sexual loving both usually open up psychicly to each other. A lesser developed one often has much negativity inside and often this negativity can or is absorbed by the more developed one during the loving. Having much negativity inside often causes negative events and people to be drawn to the one who has it inside. And finally there is the matter of Karma. The negative Karma of the other can be absorbed from sharing sexual loving with a lessor develope done. None of us need more negative Karma !! We have enough of our own karma to take care of !! So, CHOSE YOUR LOVERS WITH GREAT CARE !!! Sexual loving is a GREAT BLESSING from the divine. Respect it, and enjoy it. It is best is to share sexual loving only with a committed bonded partner. There are occasions when sharing sexual loving with another, who is not your bonded partner, is or can be appropriate. If one keeps their awareness high, one will be able to "sense" when this is appropriate and when it is not. ***************************************************************************** Agreements and responsibility: It is said, "THIS UNIVERSE FUNCTIONS ON AGREEMENTS." "THIS UNIVERSE EXPECTS PEOPLE TO KEEP THEIR AGREEMENTS." "THIS UNIVERSE EXPECTS PEOPLE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS, THOUGHTS and LIVELIHOOD." Much trouble in people's lives comes from not keeping their agreements. Agreements with others; employers, friends, lovers and with themselves and not accepting responsibility for their thoughts, actions and support. It is appropriate to be very careful of making agreements with others. Once the agreements are made, its appropriate that they are kept. If one has an agreement with another which one finds difficult to keep, discuss it, modify it or dissolve the agreement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karma: It is said, "KARMA IS THE UNIVERSE'S SYSTEM OF BALANCE." "ACTIONS PERFORMED WITH ATTACHMENT CREATE KARMA." "ALL BEINGS MUST EXPERIENCE THEIR KARMA." 3 basic kinds of karma..... Karma is far more complex than simplistic view most people have of it. Besides personal Karma, there exists geographical area, family, racial, relationship and peer group Karma. There is even situational Karma-- if one hangs out with those who are involved in drugs or illegal/actions behavior, there is a strong probility you will end up getting 'busted' with them, even if you had to karma that would cause you to experienced being 'busted'. According to the doctrine of karma, all actions are followed by inevitable, but not necessary immediate consequences. Certain situations occur in one's life when certain Karmic Traces are activated. The term "Karmic Traces" refers to the karmic seeds which exist as unmanifested potentials and which ripen when the necessary secondary conditions are present. These karmic traces originate in a past lives, in youth, and in the rest of the current life's past of an individual. For these Karmic Seeds to manifest, they must have 'fertile soil'. That is, a situation must come into being in the person's life, in which the karmic seed can grow. In man woman relationships, another mode of Karma is seen. When one partners with another, an unconscious agreement is made with the universe that one will share one's partner's Karma as if it were one's own and if one does not resolve out their relational difficulties in the present life time, the two will have to do so together in later lives. It is said, "Karma is not always inevitable, man can develop himself mentally and enter the realm of "spirit", even if only for brief periods of time, through refinement, meditation and purification. The realm of "spirit" overrides and overrides the material realm in which Karma operates." "If one in meditation enters samadhi even for a half a second, some karama is desolved. Each time one enters samadhi some karma is desolved." "Performance of loving service to others desolves some karma." "An Enlightened Being has access to everyone's karmic records." "An Enlightened Being may dissolve some or all of an other's "Stored Karma." "An Enlightened being often dissolves some or all of a person's past lifes karma, that is one's stored karma, when he initiates a person as a disciple." "If an Enlightened Being desolves some past life karma, s/he seldom dissolves or interferes with a person's 'current karma', for to do so could cause the person to leave their body and have the body die, for a soul can not live in a body here on earth, if they have no karma.". "An Enlightened Being's actions create no Karma." "For a highly developed soul [Enlightened One] to return to earth and be reborn in a human body, this soul must "borrow karma". "For a soul can not take birth here if s/he has no karma [positive and or negative.]" [ my understanding of this is still in process -sigh-] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSYCHIC ?? It is said, "Just each human being has a physical immune system, they also have a psychic immune system." The psychic immune system protects one from negative psychic influences. The psychic immune system protects one from having a out of body being from invading one's body. On rare occasions, like when one is seriously ill with a very high fever, the psychic immune system may break done for a short time period and an out of body being can enter one. The out of body being is ejected when the fever comes down. Occasionally the taking of drugs breaks down the psychic immune system allowing invasion. Once certain spiritual developments have occurred in one, the taking of drugs can disrupt or destroy those developments. Psychic spiritual powers [named siddhis in sanscrit] often manifest in a person as the person developes internally. Some times these powers are consistant and stay available. often they come and go, i.e. sometimes they are available to use and sometimes not. Sometimes a master will grant a disciple a spiritual power to use. Sometimes a master will remove that power from a disciple, if the disciple tends to misuse it or misuses it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: It is said; "Time does not exist." "All the pasts, all the futures, and the NOW, exist simaltanoeously." "Only the eternal now exists." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ misc...... It is said, "GOD, GURU, AND INNER SELF ARE ALL THE SAME BEING." "EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS MADE OF SHAKTI ENERGY." "WHEN ONE SLEEPS OR MEDITATES, SHAKTI ENERGY IS ABSORBED FROM THE ONE." "MORE SHAKTI ENERGY IS ABSORBED DURING MEDITATION THAN IN SLEEPING." Each word one speaks expends the energy, each time ones looks at an object, some of the energy is expended. Anger expends much energy. Guilt keeps one "stuck". It is appropriate to forgive one's self for all past actions and thoughts that may be in disharmony with with divine will. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The highest feeling is the experience of unity with the divine. The next highest feeling is the experience of unity with your opposite sex partner and your children. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many are stuck because they have not forgiven themselves for all their past actions and thoughts and or are stuck because they do not love and accept themselves as they are. In both these cases they feel unworthy. HOW CAN ONE FORGIVE OTHERS IF ONE HAS NOT FORGIVEN ONESELF ?? HOW CAN ONE EXPECT OTHERS TO LOVE ONE'S SELF IF ONE DOES NOT LOVE ONE'S SELF ? HOW CAN ONE LOVE AND ACCEPT ANOTHER IF ONE DOES NOT LOVE AND ACCEPT ONE'S SELF? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rwelated quotes: "our teaching is that what ever you have to do in this world, do it whole - heartedly. Be responsible and meditate every day. You will get more knowledge, more wisdom, more peace, in order to serve yourself and serve the world. Do not forget your have your own goodness inside you. Do not forget you have God dwelling inside you. Do not forget you have buddha within your heart. The masters have 2 different categories. One without karma but he borrows karma to come down; the other one is like us, ordinary beings, but with cleansed karma. Suma Ching Hai ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Karma: We take some karma from people around us, by looking at them, by thinking about them, when sharing a book, a meal, etc et cetera. This is how we bless people and reduce their karma. This is why we practice, to spread the light and dispell the darkness. Bless are those who give us some of their karma. We are happy to help them. Suma Ching Hai **************************************************************************** this model is still in process.................. Ganashyam Das